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Powered by Algorand

Algodex Mailbox is a decentralized web application that allows users to send Algorand Standard Assets even if recipients haven’t opted into the asset yet.

Useful when sending to one wallet or hundreds.

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How To Send

Connect sending wallet to application and enter ASA Asset ID you wish to send.
Create and upload CSV file with wallet addresses and amounts to be sent.
Send assets and inform recipients to redeem them on Algodex Mailbox. You need to provide the sending wallet address which users will need to claim the ASAs.

How To Redeem

Opt-in to the ASA you wish to redeem in your Algorand wallet. You will need the sender’s Wallet address as well.
Go to “Redeem Assets” and enter information required.
Click “Redeem” and assets will be sent to your wallet:
  • Asset ID
  • Sender Address
  • Recieving Address
Senders are also able to reclaim assets that have not been redeemed. Only the ASA sender can return assets to themselves. ASAs that have been redeemed by the recipient cannot be unsent and returned.More detailed instructions here: Mailbox User Guide


Algodex Mailbox is a decentralized web application that allows users to batch send any Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) to other users even if the recipient is not opted into the ASA. Users who have been sent ASAs through Algodex Mailbox can redeem the ASAs via the website.

Algodex Mailbox uses Algorand smart contracts to create an escrow that holds sent Algorand Standard Assets before they are redeemed. The smart contract escrow exists entirely on the Algorand blockchain so nobody, including Algodex Mailbox, can access the escrow except for the sender and recipient.

All Testnet Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) can be sent via Algodex Mailbox. The ability to send Mainnet ASAs will be available upon Algodex Mailbox’s Mainnet launch.

A fee of 0.05 ALGO is applied to the sender of a transaction for each recipient that redeems the Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) received. If the recipient does not redeem the ASAs, the 0.05 ALGO fee will not be applied. In addition, the Algorand network fee applies to all Algorand transactions.

Users from all countries and regions can use Algodex Mailbox.

The sender of Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) can reclaim any unredeemed ASAs using Algodex Mailbox’s Return Assets feature. Only the ASA sender can return assets to themselves. ASAs that have been redeemed by the recipient cannot be reclaimed by the sender.

Using Algodex Mailbox is secure. Using Algorand smart contracts, all order placements and executions are handled entirely on the Algorand blockchain. Funds or Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) are never directly held or processed by Algodex. Once a recipient redeems any ASAs sent to them via Algodex Mailbox, it is not possible for the sender to reverse the transaction.

Only My Algo Wallet is supported. Support for Pera Wallet, formally Algorand Wallet, is intended to be added in the future.

In Testnet, all ASAs are priced in Testnet ALGO and have no real value. Testnet can be used by users to test new features and learn about Algodex Mailbox. On Mainnet, ASAs are priced in real ALGO and have real value.

You can submit issues or suggestions to our support page.

Learn to use Algodex Mailbox using ourguide.

As many as you like! Algodex Mailbox allows you to configure a CSV file to specify the recipient(s) of an Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) and what quantity each recipient should receive. Learn how to send ASAs using a configurable CSV file using ourguide.

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